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No Touch Talker

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 Product Description

Requires a motion, not actual contact, to activate the recordable message


This tool teaches an individual to move towards a target, but doesn’t require actual contact to activate the message. Only a slight movement of a finger or toe activates the motion-sensitive device to seek attention, elicit assistance, make a comment, and more!

Record your own message. Slide the cover over the base unit and place a picture or word card for a visual message cue. Record up to a 6-second spoken message for no-touch communication, or set the unit by your door to alert you to anyone entering or leaving the room.


  • Use on a tabletop or hand on the wall as a motion detector
  • Single message, six seconds recording time
  • Slide-on case holds icon
  • Excellent volume

Size: 2½  x 3¾ x 1 inches. Weight: 5 oz. Requires three AA batteries (included).

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