Reaching Out To Families Some programs may be income eligible. May receive assistance with out of pocket expenses ranging from respite care to adult briefs. Qualified families are eligible for onetime grants to modify the home or to purchase assistive devices such adaptations that may include installing a stair rider or modifying a bathroom.
Click on "FOR HELP IN HARD TIMES" from the column on the left. Then click "OLDER ADULTS". If you own your home, don’t forget to look under Property Assessments for information on Act 77 for Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief. An online service that helps seniors and their families find and enroll in federal, state, local and private benefit programs. The best Web resource to search for caregiver support services and programs in your area is the Family Caregiver Alliance. Click on "Family Care Navigator: State by State Guide" from the column on the left of the first page. You can screen to see if you are eligible for services. Website contains an online application. Includes a list of county offices and interesting facts on demographics in your county. A website to locate all the various program and support services near you. Helps find Federally funded programs that provide aid for specific caregiver needs such as respite care, adult daycare to give caregivers a break, supplemental services including the purchase of medical supplies, SOS emergency response systems and even home modification. Home page of the US Government’s Official Web Portal for all government services and information. You can complete an online questionnaire to determine which programs you may be eligible. One-stop system for employers and job seekers to enroll on a statewide website that offers access to thousands of jobs and services you may need to re-enter the job market. Free national search for your missing money.
Look in the mirror each day and give yourself a smile!!
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